Pictures from Raggar Rally 2006

During one of the absolutely hottest days of this summer, Mr & Mrs Blues went to participate in a fantastic rally in and around the town of Hjo, Sweden.

This Swedish girl with her Italian boyfriend admired the Bluesmobile almost as much as Mr & Mrs Blues fancied their Porsche. Our dear friends "Tony Turner" and "Pernilla Power" joing us at the startup. In the line-up - ready to roll! Tony Turner kicking ass... or was it a football?
Tony Turner screwing away... (no pun intended..) Young fans of the Bluesmobile. Nice surroundings for the ACCS gathering at the goal. Pernilla Power and her friends fantastic car.
One VERY nice Mustang Convertible. One of the organizers, Christopher posing in the sun. The secretary and chairman of the organizing club Laketown Cruisers. Flower Power Bluesmobile.