Pictures from Nasco Yankees 2006

According to the rumours that we've heard, the cruising route for the Nasco Yankees meet in Falköping, Sweden, is the longest cruise in the country!

On July the 29th, Mr & Mrs Blues simply had to check out that rumour and Geee Whiz... - we now DO belive the rumour to be true!

During the day hundreds of classic american cars gathered on the airfield at the outskirts of Falköping and in the evening the whole town was occupied by even more cars during the cruise! (well.. maybe not, but at least that was the feeling we got from the traffic jam...)

Just a small part of all the cars that met us when we entered the airfield. The Bandit is here! .. or is he really? Spectacular hot-rod! Yessss - I DO want one of those!
Cultural clash? Swedish Airforce meets American Car Classics? Go baby Go! Mr Kjell from Rotum Rodders, proud grandfather of a baby girl! Mr Wille Hölscher and Mrs Blues infront of his 1946 Triumph. Two of the beloved "spare-kids" of Mr & Mrs Blues. Sebastian and Nathalie are posing in front of the Bluesmobile (Gabriella couldn't make it to Falköping this night).
Mr Blues discussing the meaning of life with Magnus an Molle from the Swedish car magazine Bilsport Classic. And the cruise goes on... Mrs Blues posing with Mr Blues's relatives. American style cruising.