Pictures from the recording of the TV-show "Mera Motor" 2006

On April 23rd, one beautiful and sunny day of the early spring, Mr & Mrs Blues got a visit from the Swedish national TV-show "Mera Motor".

The people from TV4+ were out on a mission - To document the life and stories of Mr & Mrs Blues and their Bluesmobiles.

For the duration of almost nine hours, the Bluesmobile was running back and forth, up and down the streets of Örebro and in and out of the garage.

Line up of the cars. Setting up the recordning equipment. Great views! Can you hear the coyote howling?
The not-so-cool van of the recording team. (It ran hot during the recording sessions...) At the driveway of Mr & Mrs Blues. Mr Blues discussing the script for the recordning. Lights! Camera! Action!
Mrs Blues warming up for the "Prison release scene". The TV-people and Mr Blues planning the city cruise. Fitting the Bluesmobile with a camera for action shots through the window. Finally - Some rest for the star of the day!